Sleep and the Nervous System

I have been saying for many moons…

“When I come back in my next life, the one thing I will ask for is the gift of sleep.”

I have spent insufferable, countless nights in the depths, in the mystery of chronic insomnia. Unlocking the codes to resolve it has been one of my personal highest missions.

Ensuring I have completed this process for this life, my next one… and for you.

Once I applied some vital steps, I started sleeping 8-9 hours a night without waking or stirring even a little during the night.

I can not wait to share with you what I have unlocked in myself to help resolve your sleep issue once and for all.

Learning to unlock myself from the clutches of insomnia has felt like finding gold.

When we are the only ones awake in a quiet house, it can feel like there is something inherently wrong with us.

It is lonely and isolating.

It has triggered ALLLL of my other symptoms. Everything from body aches and pains, anxiety and panic, tinnitus, heart palpitations, chronic fatigue, depression, to every emotion I have ever held in my body… grief, anger, resentment, abandonment, and betrayal — that all seemed to come up at once.

It has stirred up memories from the past and pulled me into victimization quicker than anything else.

Everything is heightened at night when it’s quiet.

There is nowhere for us to escape.

We are forced to be with what is coming up much differently and more intensely than during the day.

Our resources and self soothing practices are limited.

If we vowed not to take meds, we find ourselves just pondering this decision back and forth a million times as we count down the hours.

I have asked this pleading question to Source over and over again…

“Is this not a human function that should be available to all of us??”

Insomnia has made me feel legitimately crazy.

It can feel like you are a prisoner in your own skin.

If it comes up night after night for a prolonged period of time, it feels like you are on the edge of panic, terror or a complete breakdown.

I was always terrified of what was coming up.

Attempting all night to avoid it at all costs.

And it was like that for me off and on since I was 12 years old.

Until now.

I have changed everything…

And that has changed everything.

Sleep may be the most important piece of your healing journey.

Because without proper sleep and rest, your body can not heal and repair.

Whether this is your only symptom or one of many, sleep can be the culprit to stalled healing and the root causes for other symptoms in the body.

For many, proper sleep will HEAL layers of chronic fatigue / shut down / freeze / autoimmune, depression, and many other symptoms.

So inevitably, the pressure around getting enough sleep can be enough to prevent you from sleeping.

I will help you relieve that pressure and give you information and the important tools you need to heal at the root level.

Sleep and the Nervous System

I will teach you how most root causes for insomnia are impacting your nervous system and neurological and biological processes of all kinds.

I will educate you on exactly what is happening within your nervous system during episodes of insomnia.

Even though there seem to be multiple root causes, they all go back to one main common denominator.

I will help you understand what to do when you can not sleep that you have likely never done before.

I will explain how to process the intense emotions that can arise around and during insomnia and how they are connected to your root cause so they go through the body for the deepest healing can take place within you.

I will tell you exactly what I have done to heal the biggest parts of insomnia and how I have come to a place of understanding my biology and cycles so that they work for me rather than against me.

I will share with you the important opportunity insomnia is providing for you to heal and your mindset around it, changing the the triggers of the symptom instantly.

I will also teach you what the phases of healing insomnia look like and what to expect as you heal.

You’ll leave understanding how it pops up in predictable cycles for healing potential rather than it working against you so the symptom has a chance to move out of the body.

In this 2-hour workshop, you will learn about…

  • Nervous system dysregulation: chronic stress and/or old stored survival stress

  • Gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, and improper immune function/histamine issues/mouth breathing and food intolerances

  • Diet and lifestyle: caffeine, alcohol, and sugar

  • Diet and lifestyle: missing essential minerals (its not just magnesium)

  • Personal cycles of the year and month and our predictable periods of processing which drives the fight or flight response

  • Hormone imbalances and your main stress hormones - cortisol, adrenaline, as well as melatonin and serotonin.

  • Functions of your pineal gland and pituitary glands

  • Movement: how much is too much? When is it not enough?

  • How insomnia and chronic fatigue, anxiety, and adrenal fatigue are all working together and how to regain balance

  • Circadian rhythm and sunlight, plus all aspects of light and how they affect hormones and sleep/wake cycles

  • Blue light and EMF's

  • How cycles of the moon and menstruation affect our sleep and nervous system

  • Masculine and feminine energies and how to work with balancing those to help our sleep

  • When to work WITH activation and when to calm it down

  • Herbs and other resources to bring in

Sleep and the Nervous System

2-Hour Video Workshop &
Sleep Resource Guide

Only $44 USD


Along with the video recording and sleep resources guide, you’ll receive a link to download my Sleep Hypnosis! This sleep hypnosis is a great tool to help get you into a parasympathetic state and rest state for optimal sleep. It can also help to slow some of your thoughts with visualizations and body relaxation prompts.

Sleep and The Nervous System

No refunds are offered for this workshop. If you have any questions, please email me at