Powerful Tools to Support Your
Health & Healing

Quantum healings are powerful ways to use sound, voice, small movement, intention, and visualization to make shifts in our physiology optimal for healing and open the doorways for stored stress and trauma to be released and to access deeper insights into our healing moving forward.

They can also help us with specific purposes like sleep, anxiety, and nervous system repair, which all of these practices can do.

All of these are intended to be done multiple times. They can be revisited and done again and again and should as our healing is never linear and we will receive something different each time.

Activations are quantum healings using light beings and light codes to create a frequency and energy in the body for healing.

You can feel tingling, have visions, or experience emotional releases during any of these practices. All is normal and good.

Please do these when you have space to let out emotion and best to experience them alone or with someone you feel completely safe expressing emotion around. Not encouraged to be done around kids.

Obviously, no operating any kind of machinery or dangerous mechanisms during or after sessions as you may feel disoriented.

Video Workshops

Sleep and The Nervous System

Sleep may be the most important piece of your autoimmune or chronic symptoms journey. Because without proper sleep and rest, your body can not heal and repair.

Whether this is your only symptom or one of many, sleep can be the culprit to stalled healing and the root causes for other symptoms in the body.

In this 2-hour video workshop, I will help you understand what to do when you can not sleep that you have likely never done before.

You will learn how to process the intense emotions that can arise around and during insomnia so they go through the body rather than getting trapped so the deepest healing of this symptom can take place within you.

I will tell you exactly what I have done to heal the biggest parts of insomnia and how I have come to a place of understanding my biology and cycles so that they work for me rather than against me.

I will share with you the important opportunity insomnia is providing for you so you heal and your mindset around it, changing the symptom instantly.

I will also teach you what the phases of healing insomnia look like and what to expect as you heal.

Hypnoses, Activations, Meditations, and More

Activation for Empowerment
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Activation for Empowerment
You are a Powerful Self Healer
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You are a Powerful Self Healer
Sleep Hypnosis
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Sleep Hypnosis
Adrenal Reset Practice and Meditation
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Vagus Nerve Meditation
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Vagus Nerve Meditation
Nervous System Basics 1 Practice
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Healing Light Codes Activation
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Healing Light Codes Activation
Movement and Connection Practice
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Meet Your Inner Child Meditation
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All The Veg: Vegan E-Cookbook
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All The Veg: Vegan E-Cookbook